EPA Awards Guam More Than $8.7 Million
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has awarded more than $8.7 million to Guam for wastewater and drinking water infrastructure improvement.
“This funding will help Guam provide cleaner water for local communities, while protecting the island’s coastal waters,” said EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. “We continue to support Guam Waterworks Authority’s commitment to ensure safe drinking water and sanitation for the residents of Guam.”
Since 2010, EPA has awarded more than $75 million in Clean Water and Safe Drinking Water State Revolving Funds (SRF) to Guam Waterworks Authority. These awards support residential and commercial utility services by funding the design and construction of water and wastewater infrastructure. Recent projects include design of wastewater collection system upgrades along Route 1 in Asan, Route 2 along the War in the Pacific National Park, Route 4 in Agana and the Agat/Santa Rita area, and upgrades of five drinking water wells in northern Guam.
"The award of $8.7 million in SRF Funding as well as past years SRF Funding is not only needed but appreciated by the CCU, GWA and the Ratepayers of Guam,” said Joey Duenas, chairman of the Guam Consolidated Commission on Utilities (CCU). “US EPA, the CCU, GWA and the ratepayers of Guam have built a continuing partnership in the shared desire to protect our environment."
This year’s funding will focus on reducing sanitary sewer overflows with projects to rehabilitate sewer pump stations and associated sewer conveyances, including construction of the collection system projects on Routes 1, 2 and 4.
The award will also support upgrades of five drinking water wells in central Guam. Rehabilitation and reconnection of these wells will enhance drinking water supplies and reduce the frequency of low-pressure events and water outages.
The EPA’s Pacific Southwest (Region 9) administers and enforces federal environmental laws in Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, the Pacific Islands and 148 tribal nations, and is home to more than 50 million people.