Interest is growing for recovering resources from wastewater

Feb. 29, 2024
Stantec Executive VP Ryan Roberts explains how resource recovery is just one of many trends showing revenue growth opportunities can align with utility sustainability initiatives.

Wastewater treatment systems collect and treat flows of wastewater, but not all the qualities of those flows are actually a waste. Interest from wastewater utility managers and engineers continues to grow in how to use that waste to generate energy and repurpose nutrients treated out of the water for other beneficial uses.

Ryan Roberts, executive vice president of water for Stantec, explains this is one of a number of business growth areas that he and his company see for the future of the water and wastewater industries. 

Additional Resources

Water Recycling & Recovery

How wastewater utilities recover resources for revenue

Jan. 25, 2024
Technologies now exist to recover resources from wastewater such as ammonium sulfate. But how does it actually work and what challenges does it present?
The holistic perspective behind the one water future of tomorrow
Utility Management

The holistic perspective behind the one water future of tomorrow

Feb. 22, 2024
As water problems become increasingly complex, breaking down the market verticals will lead to greater and more sustainable successes, says Jacobs Global VP for Water Susan Moisio...
Utility Management

How CEOs are managing historic workloads in the water industry

Feb. 15, 2024
As money from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act begins to percolate to water and wastewater projects across the United States, engineering and design firms are seeing...
Where does the buck stop with PFAS?
Wastewater Treatment

Where does the buck stop with PFAS?

Feb. 8, 2024
Veolia North America President and CEO Bob Cappadona shares his expectations for business growth and opportunity in 2024, including the challenges associated with PFAS regulations...

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About the Author

Bob Crossen

Bob Crossen is the editorial director for the Endeavor Business Media Water Group, which publishes WaterWorld, Wastewater Digest and Stormwater Solutions. Crossen graduated from Illinois State University in Dec. 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts in German and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. He worked for Campbell Publications, a weekly newspaper company in rural Illinois outside St. Louis for four years as a reporter and regional editor. 

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