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WesTech Engineering, Inc.

Salt Lake City, US 84115

More Info on WesTech Engineering, Inc.

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WesTech Engineering Inc. celebrates 40 years as a recognized leader in the manufacture of liquid/solids separation equipment for industrial and municipal process applications. We specialize in surface waters, groundwater, water reuse, drinking water, wastewater treatment and industrial process equipment and technologies that are designed to meet customer specifications and exceed performance criteria. With our recent acquisition of General Filter and Microfloc, our breadth of experience and process capability are greatly expanded. We work with all leading consulting engineering firms and partner with our customers and contractors to assure successful site installation and operation. Turnkey and design-build experienced, WesTech is employee-owned and ISO 9001:2008 certified.

Products & Press Releases

Oil-Water Separators_0


Designed according to API 421, these oil/water separators combine separation, skimming and sludge transport technologies into an efficient primary oil separation device. They ...
Aug. 16, 2018

Packaged Treatment Plant

The Trident HS packaged water treatment plant provides multi-barrier protection for difficult-to-treat surface water, groundwater, industrial process water and tertiary wastewater...
Aug. 16, 2018

Packaged Iron and Manganese Removal System

The AERALATER is a completely self-contained treatment plant that combines aeration, detention and filtration in a single unitized package. It provides economical and dependable...
Aug. 16, 2018


The innovative CONTRAFAST clarifier is a high-rate sludge thickening clarifier/softener that combines clarification and sludge thickening in a single operation and has a footprint...
Aug. 7, 2018
WesTech PS Trident

Water Treatment System

The Microfloc Trident technology represents a significant advance in water and wastewater treatment. It removes turbidity, suspended solids, color, iron, manganese, odor, taste...
Aug. 6, 2018
WesTech PS CleanFlo All-in-One

Combined Headworks System

The WesTech CleanFlo All-in-One combined headworks system is pre-engineered to include fine screening, screenings dewatering and aerated grit removal, all within one compact stainless...
April 3, 2018
WesTech PS DAF

DAF Units

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is ideal in clarifying waters and wastewaters in which the specific gravity of suspended solids or contaminants is close to or less than 1.0. These...
April 3, 2018
WesTech PS GAC Pressure Filters

GAC Pressure Filters

WesTech granular activated carbon (GAC) pressure filters effectively remove low-molecular-weight contaminants from aqueous solutions. They are especially well suited for the removal...
April 3, 2018
WesTech PS SuperSand

Continuous Backwash Sand Filter

The SuperSand continuous backwash sand filter is an up-flow moving bed filter that is constructed with various media depths for different applications and configurations. Raw ...
April 3, 2018
WesTech PS DuoSphere

Biogas Storage

As energy costs grow, facilities are increasingly seeking alternative fuel sources to help power their operations. By storing methane that is contained in biogas, the DuoSphere...
April 3, 2018

Articles & News


Reaching Full Potential

Water regulations & capacity needs drive Persian Gulf refinery upgrade
June 15, 2021
WWETCO FlexFilter

Georgia Treatment Plant Gets an Upgrade

Heard County Water Authority expands plants & updates equipment
Aug. 8, 2018
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100% Reuse

Pensacola, Fla.’s new wastewater treatment plant meets all treatment objectives and produces high-quality water
May 2, 2018

Protecting the Everglades

Continuous backwash sand filter meets demands of Florida treatment plant
April 3, 2018
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Retrofitting Traveling Bridge Filters

Glendale Heights, Ill., able to produce high-quality, reliable effluent with low-maintenance technology
April 3, 2018
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WesTech Eng. Donates Water Filters to Haiti

Haitians need access to safe drinking water in wake of Hurricane Matthew
Dec. 19, 2016
Image 3 - Unconventional Water Sources

Industrial Reuse: Embracing the Unconventional

Reclamation & reuse of unconventional wastewater sources has increased
Oct. 1, 2015
Ceramic Disc Filter

WesTech Introduces Additional Filtration Products

New technologies extend company’s ability to directly provide full systems solutions to customers
April 4, 2014
Plant Under Construction copy_edit

Building Barriers

Multi-barrier process improves efficiency at Canadian water treatment plant
April 3, 2014
WesTech Website

WesTech Launches New Website

The website features revised pages & downloads
March 19, 2014

Videos & Resources

WesTech Headworks Brochure

Click below to access WesTech's Headworks brochure.
April 2, 2018

WesTech DAF Brochure

Click below to access WesTech's DAF Brochure.
April 2, 2018

How to Utilize Unconventional Water Sources

Wednesday, June 17, 20152:00 - 3:00 p.m. EasternParticipants earn one Professional Development Hour.Webinar OverviewSources of high quality raw water for commercial plants are...
May 18, 2015

All content from WesTech Engineering, Inc.

WesTech PS CenTROL

Conventional Gravity Filters

CenTROL conventional gravity filters may be applied wherever cost-effective, space-saving conventional gravity filters are desired. CenTROL furnishes its own backwash water supply...
April 3, 2018
WesTech PS ExtremeDuty

Sludge Mixer

WesTech ExtremeDuty sludge mixers provide vigorous mixing of digester contents to prevent stratification and improve the anaerobic process. They reliably speed gas production ...
April 3, 2018
WesTech PS OxyStream

Oxidation Ditch

The OxyStream oxidation ditch from WesTech Engineering has proven to be ideal for biological wastewater treatment applications throughout the world. It combines vertically mounted...
April 3, 2018
WesTech PS CleanFlo Spiral Screen

Spiral Screens

WesTech CleanFlo spiral screens provide efficient, economical screening for plants with flows of less than 10 million gpd. Screening, conveying and compaction are all performed...
April 3, 2018

Sludge Removal

The Zickert Shark Sludge Scraper provides efficient sludge removal for new and retrofit sedimentation basins and clarifiers. With more than 3,000 installations worldwide, it is...
April 3, 2018

Centered on Wastewater Treatment

Optimizing wastewater management for shale oil & gas production
July 9, 2013