Flottweg Separation Technology, Inc

Independence, US 41051

More Info on Flottweg Separation Technology, Inc

Flottweg is an ISO 9001 manufacturer of high solids decanter centrifuges which are used for thickening and dewatering worldwide. Features include low noise emission, all stainless steel wetted parts with centrifugal castings, energy efficient designs with independent VFD or hydraulic drives, convenient access for operation and maintenance, and support from a large worldwide service staff.


Flottweg Equipment

Flottweg Separation Technology Announces New Warehouse Facility

$1.75 million dollar expansion to create 12 high-wage jobs
Flottweg AC1700

Flottweg Announces Launch of AC1700 Separator

New separator is robust and low-maintenance addition to product line
wastewater treatment facility_0

Make Consistent Cake Solids

Water reclamation facility improves efficiency & saves operating costs
dry creek wwtp

Big in Business: Sewage Sludge Thickening

Sewage sludge thickening with a sludge thickening decanter


Centrifuge system decreases manpower, increases sludge quality