The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting for the POTW influenced the treatment levels for National Beef. In turn, it established limits of < 10 mg/L of total nitrogen and < 1 mg/L of total phosphorus.
“The project reduced the nitrogen and phosphorus loading to the Cimarron River, and provides the beneficial use of wastewater effluent irrigation onto agricultural land while simultaneously reducing the demand for groundwater used for irrigation,” Staab said.
Using construction manager at risk, National beef and HR Green created a collaborative environment for the planning, design, construction and value engineering services for the entire project. This kept costs low and reduced scheduling disruptions.
HR Green created a plant operations manual prior to start-up for operator review, which helped the team solve problems with foaming, high oil and grease and filamentous bacteria. Additionally, biological seed was developed organically with the incoming wastewater for initial start up due to a lack of biological seed available locally.