While often overlooked, the workers of the water industry have a direct connection to public health and safety. Drinking water systems ensure water is safe to consume and wastewater systems ensure our waste doesn't pollute the environments in which we live.
Cory Salmon, water and wastewater group manager for HRG Inc., said when explaining his job to those outside the industry, he starts with that direct connection and builds from there. The impact of each project becomes a lasting nugget of a memory, an experience to be cherished for years to come.
Bob Crossen is the editorial director for the Endeavor Business Media Water Group, which publishes WaterWorld, Wastewater Digest and Stormwater Solutions. Crossen graduated from Illinois State University in Dec. 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts in German and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism. He worked for Campbell Publications, a weekly newspaper company in rural Illinois outside St. Louis for four years as a reporter and regional editor.