Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Implements Biosolids Treatment System
Source BCR Environmental
On Dec. 10, 2014, the Fort Pierce (Fla.) Utilities Authority (FPUA) held the grand opening for implementation of BCR Environmental’s Clean B system.
The system includes Clean B disinfection, stabilization, dewatering, transportation and disposal of biosolids. BCR Environmental, based in Jacksonville, Fla., patents the Clean B treatment system. The system converts municipal biosolids to odor-free stabilized Class B material in a fraction of the time and cost of traditional digestion systems. Class B biosolids have significantly reduced levels of pathogens and vector attraction, which help protect public health and the environment.
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection issued a permit revision on Aug. 26, 2014, to allow construction and subsequent operation of the system at FPUA’s Island Water Reclamation Facility treatment plant. The finished product allows biosolids generated by the facility to be applied beneficially to land, transferred to a DEP-approved biosolids treatment facility and/or used as a biofuel. In the first year alone, the system is expected to save FPUA approximately $190,000 annually by reducing energy consumption, simplifying treatment operations and lowering operating costs.
“It has been a pleasure collaborating with the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority on this new project,” said Michael Bechtold, professional engineer with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. “The department applauds FPUA for constructing an environmentally sound alternative for the biosolids treatment of their waste product from the Water Reclamation Facility. Biosolids can be a useful product when provided sufficient treatment. By complying with the department’s rules and regulations, the process turns a waste product into a valuable resource.”
“Fort Pierce Utilities Authority has a long history of implementing environmentally conscious programs in our wastewater, water and energy programs,” said Bill Thiess, director of utilities at FPUA. “This new system will not only conserve energy but will also process wastewater that is more environmentally friendly, keeping Fort Pierce beautiful for all to enjoy.”
Source: BCR Environmental