Valve Control
An essential control element of the flow equalization process was the installation of large butterfly valves to control the flow into storage basins and into the plant. The high flows and large pipe diameters required the use of 84- and 102-in. butterfly valves designed to American Water Works Assn. (AWWA) Standard C516. Butterfly valves are relatively compact and economical. These 10-ton valves are installed in the piping system with flanged connections. The valves are operated by rotating the valve shaft and disc 90 degrees; therefore they are easy to automate with electric motor actuators.
The ductile iron disc or closure member rotates 90 degrees in concert with the stainless steel shaft. The two are rigidly connected by tangential taper pins sealed with O-rings to provide zero backlash in the connection. When closed, the valve resilient seat makes contact with the stainless steel body seat and provides zero leakage at full rated pressure. The seat retention system includes overlapping, investment cast and stainless steel segments that retain the seat but allow adjustment or replacement over the life of the valve. These valves undergo a 500-cycle AWWA Proof of Design Cycle Test at full rated pressure to verify the integrity of the valve.
The electric motor actuators were raised up about 10 ft above the pipe to be out of the reach of the water and ground using an extended bonnet assembly. This assembly consists of an inner shaft that must be capable of transmitting the full torque of the valve with minimal torsional deflection so that the valve disc can be precisely positioned and held in the full closed or open position. The outer pipe consists of a larger pipe that must similarly transmit the valve torque and position, but also support the mounting of the actuator above the valve. Together, the two pipes represent a reliable valve torque and positioning system for the valve assembly.
The valve actuators are motorized so that they can be operated from a computerized flow control system. The system will signal the valve to intermediate positions to control the flow rate into the storage basins or the tertiary treatment plant.
The flow equalization project is only one of the early phases of the EchoWater Project. As more phases are completed, the benefits of the project will develop and last for generations.