Case Studies
Short-Term DDS, Long-Term Solutions
When flowmeters were needed for a short-term flow monitoring project in Cibolo Creek, Texas, HMT Engineering & Surveying selected Hach's Data Delivery Services (DDS).
HMT Engineering & Surveying
A short-term lift station study requiring open channel flow monitoring is currently underway at the Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (CCMA) located in Schertz, Texas. The study is being done by HMT Engineering & Surveying in New Braunfels, Texas. The firm provides civil engineering and surveying services for clients in the private and public sectors.
Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (CCMA) was created in 1971 to provide regional wastewater services to the area north east of San Antonio, Texas. The Authority provides wastewater treatment service for both municipal and industrial customers in the communities of Schertz, Cibolo, Selma, Randolph AFB, and portions of Live Oak, San Antonio, and Universal City. The CCMA service area encompasses approximately 42,600 acres.
The overall system includes the gravity interceptor system, lift stations, force mains, a water reclamation plant, and a reclaimed water distribution system. The Authority has over 120,000 linear feet of gravity sewer lines and approximately 26,000 ln ft of force main. The Odo J. Riedel Regional Water Reclamation Plant is currently rated for an annual average flow of 6.2 million gal per day.
Over the last decade the CCMA service area has experienced dramatic growth. As the Authority continues to expand to keep pace with the needs of their customers, studies such as the lift station analysis are performed to provide up-to-date and accurate data for expansion and maintenance schedule decisions.
According to James Ingalls, HMT Associate, "Short-term open channel flow monitoring (3 months) was needed in order to determine the existing demand on the lift stations. The study provides an analysis of two lift stations. The Dietz line is fed by 21 inch and 12 inch gravity mains, and the Schertz lift station is fed by a single 31 inch gravity main."
The scope of work for the Lift Station Analysis is segmented into five main categories including:
• Field Surveying
• Flow Calculations
• Assessment of Lift Stations
• Improvement Options
• Opinion of Probable Construction Costs for Improvements
Ingalls added, "The local Hach flow meter rep, Barbara Luedecke from Macaulay Controls, spoke with a CCMA manager at the Texas Water Show held earlier this year. Luedecke felt that Hach's Data Delivery Services (DDS) would be a good fit for the flow monitoring portion of the project and that it could also be done quickly."
With DDS, users pay only for unedited sewer flow data and there is no need to purchase flow meters. The service is ideal for both short-term and long-term flow monitoring projects. For a budget-friendly fixed monthly fee, Hach provides web-enabled flow meters that are installed by certified personnel. In this particular application, web-enabled Marsh-McBirney Flo-Dar Non-Contact Flow Sensors were utilized. Customers have 24/7 access to their unedited flow data via any web browser eliminating the need for site visits to collect flow data. All flow data is routed to Hach's secure servers with password protected access for users. The web-based user interface allows for professional flow reporting and analysis of collected data. Any required maintenance is handled by Hach and the customer never has to visit the site. These features combined with an uptime guarantee ensure users of a truly hands-off approach to sewer flow monitoring.
One of three DDS Web-Enabled Flo-Dar Non-Contact Flow Sensor installs at Cibolo Creek Municipal Authority (CCMA) - Schertz, Texas.
A decision was made to utilize DDS and the Flo-Dar meters were installed shortly thereafter. Ingalls adds, "The DDS system worked very well for monitoring flows for the lift station study. It's maintenance free and the installation was very quick and convenient."