Clean and Quiet
Without the right solution, aging water pipes, overflowing tanks and noisy valves can become chronic issues for a water retailer’s supply infrastructure. Imagine the maintenance demands and repair costs, not to mention the risk of an unpredictable water supply.
That’s why South East Water—one of Melbourne’s three water retailers—depends upon Singer Valve for a variety of pressure-reducing and altitude-control valves to enhance the performance and reliability of its infrastructure. In fact, due to South East Water’s aging pipes and its reduction in maintenance staff, its demand for reliable valves has increased substantially.
“South East Water has been using Singer valves for more than 30 years,” said Warren Roberts, a mechanical supervisor for Siemens Ltd.—South East Water’s primary mechanical and electrical maintenance services contractor. “Singer products are reliable, and South East Water knows that from experience.”
So when the valve at Melbourne’s Knox Reservoir water storage tank wore out and created too much noise, South East Water asked Singer to help. To minimize pipe pressure and to avoid an overflowing tank, Roberts and South East Water’s Doug Stewart selected the Singer dual solenoid valve for positioning and SCADA control. The valve was customized with an anti-cavitation trim and a Singer control panel.
It was an ideal solution for the water retailer. The Singer control panel receives
a signal from SCADA control telling the valve to maintain the tank’s water level as specified by the system. Because the control panel performs on command, it maintains the appropriate water level, preventing the tank from overflowing.
“The valve unit has full control over the system,” said Roberts. “Installing a Singer valve on this project means the company has quality, reliability and the flexibility of control.”
The valve is positioned by energizing either the opening or closing solenoid. By controlling each solenoid’s pulse time, the valve can be accurately positioned anywhere within its full stroke. The Singer control panel receives commands from SCADA, which tells it in which position to place the valve. Through its PID algorithm, the panel positions the valve smoothly and accurately.
“The valve is simple yet smart,” said Eugene Bahia, an instrumentation specialist with Singer Valve. “It functions like a motorized valve, but it doesn’t have a motor that can burn out or gears that need lubrication. And it requires only a fraction of electricity to operate.”
In Australia, South East Water is pleased with the valve. “Singer has a proven history of solid performance, and it offers excellent product support,” said Roberts. “That’s why South East Water specified a Singer valve.”