Case Studies

Ozone System Maintains Redundancy at Quebec Plant

The ozone system has operated maintenance-free since its installation
April 3, 2018
3 min read

In summer 2012 the city of Becancour, Quebec, Canada installed a Pinnacle Summit Series ozone system. The new system replaces older ozone technology and allows for ozone production and delivery to match real-time demand. Michel Carbonneau, the city’s superintendent of environmental health and one of the industry’s top treatment plant operators, was looking for a new ozone technology. Finding Pinnacle’s ozone system at an American tradeshow created a buzz and he was impressed after seeing the system firsthand at another facility. The system’s modularity, low maintenance and process control led Carbonneau to recommending the system and sharing his experience to the industry since its successful installation.


The Becancour water treatment plant (WTP) takes water from the St. Lawrence River at the outlet of Lake Saint-Pierre. The lake is a large natural settling basin and gives the city stable water quality all year long. Before the ozone process, the plant has conventional treatment, with screening and settling. At the outlet of the filtration process, there is post-ozonation, then the water exits the basins and goes through the final processing where polyphosphates are added for corrosion. To address these issues, the WTP must maintain 20% of its maximum redundancy factor to be eligible for their disinfection credit. The project required one designed component and one system for standby. With Pinnacle’s ability to add modularity to any project design, adding Quadblocks revealed the simplicity of ozone redundancy.

Treatment Approach

After a thorough evaluation of options and a competitive bid, Pinnacle Ozone Solutions was selected to provide a completely integrated ozone system including its Ozone-On-Demand system at the facility. The advantages of Pinnacle’s ozone system were the ability to maintain the redundancy and having a modular platform. This allowed the facility to expand its ozone capacity when the plant’s demand flow was greater than expected. With Pinnacle releasing its second generation Quadblock, it was proposed to replace the previous generation cells instead of adding additional cells. Each Summit cabinet housed 10 first generation Quadblocks, but when the new generation cells were installed, only seven were required. This allowed three extra slots for redundancy and the freedom to expand the plant’s water treatment demands in the future.

The project required two Summit ozone generators with an ozone demand of 160 lb per day. With the designs requirement of having a primary system with a standby, two injection skids were designed to fulfill the redundancy requirement. Onsite oxygen generation was used in the previous ozone system design, so these were already ready for production. Process controls and online integration were advantages because of Pinnacle’s ability to remotely access the systems through an Ethernet connection. This allows Pinnacle to diagnose any problems that arise, taking the pressure off of the operators on site. Ozone off-gas collection and destruct was also added into the design and installed with all other components.

Successful Results

Since the city of Becancour installed a modular ozone system in the WTP, the ozone treatment has effectively treated the water free of any maintenance in the past two years. With Pinnacle’s ability to deliver and install a full ozone process in eight weeks, Becancour faced no difficulties in the transition of ozone systems. Since Pinnacle installed the second generation Quadblock, the facility now has the ability for expansion with extra redundancy. Carbonneaucontinues to recommend the Pinnacle system.

Louis LeBrun, P.E. is vice president of Pinnacle Ozone Solutions. LeBrun can be reached at [email protected].

About the Author

Louis LeBrun

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