Case Studies

New Mexico Village Removes ‘Red Water’ With AdEdge AD 26 System

July 15, 2010
3 min read

In the fall of 2008, AdEdge was selected by the village of Corona, N.M., to design, manufacture and start up a water treatment system for the removal of iron and manganese. The water system that serves approximately 100 connections at Corona was plagued by high iron and manganese in the main water supply, with iron from 0.26 to 2.8 mg/L and manganese levels from 0.094 to 0.17 mg/L, each well above the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency secondary maximum contaminant levels. Usage is approximately 40,000 gal per day with seasonal fluctuations. The water system was injecting sequestering agents as a means to help reduce the down gradient effects of this high iron and manganese but needed a better, more permanent solution to address the problem.

AdEdge worked closely with the village to provide engineering design drawings and submittals to obtain necessary approvals with the New Mexico Environment Department. The key factor in selecting the AdEdge AD26 packaged oxidation/filtration technology was the small footprint that allowed the system to fit within the existing well building with no major modifications, saving the community thousands of dollars.

System Description

The system, model AD26-4260CS-S-3-AVH, is a pre-engineered, skid-mounted system using AD26 oxidation/filtration technology for iron/manganese removal. The AD26 is a highly catalytic manganese dioxide-based media for efficient co-precipitation or adsorption of the iron/manganese oxides. The system is fed with sodium hypochlorite to facilitate the process and aid in the oxidation of iron primarily and to maintain a desired oxidative state.

Backwashing is performed at frequencies determined by the iron/manganese loading of the filters. The media is NSF 61 certified and used commonly by AdEdge for these types of applications. The system is fully automated with electric actuated butterfly control valves, PLC-based control panel for system functions. The system also includes a backwash supply pump skid from AdEdge that is integrated with the system and controls.


Since startup and commissioning in March 2009, the system has consistently removed iron to non-detect levels treating an average of 40,300 gal per day. "Once the final adjustments were made to the chlorine feed pump and to the backwash times, this unit has been operating flawlessly," said Turner Wilson, public works director, village of Corona. “Maintenance has been minimal. The village has not experienced any ‘red water’ since the plant has been on line."

The system, along with photographs, is also prominently displayed on the village of Corona’s website as a testimony to the success of the project.

About the Author

Greg Gilles

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