Collection Systems

U.S. EPA SWMM & PCSWMM Stormwater Modeling One-Day Advanced Workshop

Feb. 21, 2012 - Feb. 21, 2012

Location: Toronto, ON, Canada


Designed with the experienced PCSWMM user in mind, this one-day advanced training course builds on previous PCSWMM experience to sharpen and enhance attendees' software experience. Explore the newest PCSWMM interface, become acquainted with the enhanced state-of-the-art tools and learn tips and tricks from PCSWMM professionals to streamline workflow.

It is highly recommended that participants have already participated in PCSWMM training or have taken the online course, as the focus of this training is to progress existing skills and familiarize existing users to the latest version of PCSWMM. 

For more information, visit

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