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ABB Measurement & Analytics

Cleveland, US 44122

More Info on ABB Measurement & Analytics

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With global water and wastewater application expertise and knowledge, ABB is the best partner throughout the entire water cycle. From abstraction to treatment, distribution and the management of the wastewater process, ABB supplies an extensive range of reliable measurement and analytical products, services and solutions meeting customers’ exact requirements. The portfolio includes flow measurement, temperature measurement, pressure and analytical measurement, level measurement, recorders and controllers.

Products & Press Releases


pH/ORP Sensors

Our next generation range of sensors bring together over 70 years of ABB pioneering pH sensor development and application expertise with the latest advanced digital technology...
May 25, 2021

Digital Water Transmitters

The purpose of a water distribution network is to supply the users with water demanded and to supply this water with adequate pressure under various loading conditions. Continuous...
Oct. 13, 2020


The purpose of a water distribution network is to supply the users with water demanded and to supply this water with adequate pressure under various loading conditions. Continuous...
June 9, 2020

Aztec 600 Fluoride Analyzers

The Aztec 600 ISE fluoride analyzer measures total solubilized fluoride using a combination fluoride ion‑selective electrode. The Aztec 600 Fluoride offers a range of features...
April 29, 2020


Getting the best levels of efficiency and performance from your production process requires reliable, accurate instrumentation. WaterMaster provides the flexibility to solve your...
April 29, 2020


The Endura TBX587 is the latest addition to ABB’s successful line of industrial pH/ORP sensors. A well deserved reputation for ruggedness, longevity and accuracy is a hallmark...
April 24, 2020

Industrial Drive Modules

Industrial drive modules, ACQ810 from ABB, work so you won’t worry. Modules are designed, specifically, to meet the needs of squared-torque pump control, including pre-programmed...
April 24, 2020
Smart Sensor-ABB

Smart Sensor

The Ability smart sensor for Dodge mounted bearings has been launched as part of the Ability Digital Powertrain, which enables “health checks” for bearings. The smart sensor technology...
April 24, 2020

Articles & News


Cleaning Up: Optimizing Turkey’s Wastewater Treatment Infrastructure for ISKI

Optimizing Turkey’s wastewater treatment infrastructure for ISKI.
April 30, 2020
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Reducing leakage: Improving Efficiency in Lu’an City, China

Reducing leakage and improving efficiency in Lu’an City, China.
April 28, 2020

Pure Performance: Tuas Desalination Plant, Singapore

Pure performance at the Tuas Desalination Plant, Singapore.
April 27, 2020

Installing Water Efficiency for Rapidly Growing Chinese Megacity, Tianjin

Installing water efficiency: Measurement for rapidly growing Chinese megacity, Tianjin. 
April 23, 2020
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Easy, Fast & Accurate Flow Measurement

Measure every drop accurately with the AquaMaster4 Electromagnetic Flowmeter.
Sept. 19, 2019

Videos & Resources

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The Measurement of Turbidity and Suspended Solids in Wastewater

This white paper examines the causes of turbidity in water, describing how turbidity is measured and how the measurement of turbidity can be used to infer the suspended solids...
Oct. 19, 2022
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Ensuring flow measurement regardless of flow disturbance

One of the key challenges water utilities face today is where to install electromagnetic flow meters when there is inadequate upstream and downstream piping available. Frequently...
Oct. 14, 2022
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Groundbreaking Non-Invasive Temperature Measurement

Ready to get rid of the added installation and engineering costs of the long-standing thermowell solution for temperature measurement? You will want to watch this webinar.In this...
June 24, 2021

The Big 6 Level Measurement Technologies: Where to Use Them and Why

When it comes to measuring the level of materials in a tank or other vessel, there are many tools you can choose from. Some are clearly better suited to certain applications, ...
July 13, 2020

Next Generation pH/Redox (ORP) Sensors

ABB has created a new generation of intelligent pH sensors that work the way you want to work. Available in both, Digital EZlink™ and analog.
April 30, 2020

ABB's World of Water Analysis

ABB's continuous water analyzers help its customers' water resources go further around the world.
April 24, 2020

The Big 6 Flowmeter Technologies: Where to Use Them and Why

Flow measurement is one of the most important aspects of process control and is found in a wide variety of industry sectors, including upstream, midstream, and downstream oil ...
April 23, 2020

ABB Aztec 600 Fluoride Analyzers Brochure

Protection against fluoride over-dosing, proof of legislative compliance and precise control of water fluoridation.
April 23, 2020

ABB Range of Digital Water Transmitters Brochure

Stringent legislation around municipal- and industrial- water quality makes it essential to know how your water measures up against regulatory requirements.Editor's Note: Scranton...
April 23, 2020

ABB WaterMaster Electromagnetic Flowmeter Brochure

Getting the best levels of efficiency and performance from your production process requires reliable, accurate instrumentation. Editor's Note: Scranton Gillette Communications...
April 23, 2020

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All content from ABB Measurement & Analytics

ABB Open Up a New World of pH Measurement Brochure

Accurate measurement of pH is a key requirement across industries, from drinking water and wastewater treatment through to power, energy generation and industrial process control...
April 23, 2020

New Intelligent Transmitters & pH Sensors for Better Water & Wastewater Analysis

Learn about ABB's comprehensive line of transmitters and pH sensors at WEFTEC 19 in Chicago. Visit the measurement & analytics page for more information.
Nov. 7, 2019