1655772006018 Dezurik Logo 2021rgbwicon


Sartell, US 56377

More Info on DeZURIK

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DeZURIK, APCO, HILTON, Willamette, Red Valve, Tideflex and RKL Controls – seven of the most trusted brands in the valve industry. Our high-quality products and team of experts make us a global leader in manufacturing valves for water treatment, sewage treatment, water distribution, pulp and paper, chemical and petrochemical, mining, power, hydropower dams, and other process industries valves. Customers worldwide have come to trust DeZURIK, for its design innovation, quality and service.

Products & Press Releases

Product Profiles

APCO SmartCHECK Pump Control Valve

The APCO SmartCHECK pump control valve controls pressure surges and prevents damaging backflow, closing positively upon power failure without the need for expensive hydraulic ...
Sept. 30, 2022
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AIS American Made Knife Gate Valves from DeZURIK

Reliable, AIS-compliant knife gate valves are available from DeZURIK. These valves are cast stainless steel, resilient seated, bi-directional and manufactured in the USA. The ...
June 30, 2022
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Willamette Metal Seated Cone Valves from DeZURIK

Often considered the ultimate pump control valve, the Cone Valve is known for its long service life of 50 plus years. Willamette Metal Seated Cone Valves are 100% full port, conical...
Oct. 26, 2021
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APCO Surge Relief Angle Valve

APCO Surge Relief Angle Valves prevent damage from water hammer by opening when system pressure exceeds the set shut-off pressure of the valve disc. The elbow body style valve...
July 27, 2021
apco air valves

APCO Air Valves

APCO Air Release Valves, Air Vacuum Valves, Combination Air Valves, and Vacuum Relief/Air Inlet Valves keep pipelines flowing smoothly. Air Release Valves are used to eliminate...
May 7, 2021

APCO Swing Check Valves

APCO Swing Check Valves prevent the back flow of fluid by closing before flow reversal, thereby preventing slam and water hammer. Constructed with a heavy ductile iron body, APCO...
May 7, 2021
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DeZURIK AWWA Butterfly Valves

DeZURIK AWWA Butterfly Valves are used in applications demanding high-quality and thoroughly tested valves that offer many years of trouble-free service. Numerous design features...
May 7, 2021
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Eccentric Plug Valves

Invented by Matt Dezurik in 1928, the DeZURIK Eccentric Plug Valve continues to set the standard for performance, reliability and quality. A wide variety of value-added design...
May 7, 2021

Pump Control Valve Interface

The ECB-CP Pump & Control Valve Interface for Solenoid Controlled Valves is designed to control the pump and pump control valve to minimize pressure surges in the fluid handling...
Aug. 16, 2018

Articles & News

The DeZURIK corporate headquarters and largest manufacturing plant reside in Sartell, Minnesota — but it also operates strategically located facilities across North America.

Exceptional flow control: the DeZURIK difference

When Matt DeZurik invented the Eccentric Plug Valve in 1928, he didn’t set out to build a worldwide valve manufacturing company — he simply wanted to design a valve to solve an...
Sept. 22, 2023
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APCO SmartCHECK Pump Control Valve Controls Pressure Surges and Prevents Damaging Backflow

The APCO SmartCHECK Pump Control Valve from DeZURIK combines the functionality of a full featured pump control valve with the best features of APCO’s premium CVS-6000 swing check...
Dec. 20, 2022
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Hilton Compact Bonneted Knife Gate Valve from DeZURIK Solves Space Constraint Issue for Pump Station

A wastewater pumping station required a 42" and a 48" metal-seated knife gate valve. The valves were installed horizontally in a vertical pipe in difficult-to-access locations...
Dec. 6, 2021
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DeZURIK PTW 3-Way Plug Valves Solve Digester Gas Corrosion Problems

Wastewater treatment plants must do something with gases and waste generated from the digestion process. For most, they're left with corrosive Hydrogen Sulfide, Methane gas, and...
Oct. 18, 2021
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Complex Pump Protection Application Required A Valve Systems Solution

A wastewater treatment plant turned to an experienced, single-source supplier for a challenging application requirement for a valve package with hydraulic power source, emergency...
Sept. 29, 2021
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Combination Air Valve Is Designed for Use with Grit, Solids & Grease

Device can be utilized in a variety of flow conditions
Aug. 18, 2015

Videos & Resources

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APCO Air Valves from DeZURIK

Quality APCO Air Valves keep pipelines flowing efficiently and protected from damaging vacuum formation. Let DeZURIK help select the perfect air valves for your system.
Sept. 7, 2022

Reliable APCO CVS Swing Check Valves from DeZURIK

Quality APCO Swing Check Valves, from DeZURIK, have been reliably preventing back flow, slam and water hammer in thousands of sewage and wastewater installations worldwide.
June 7, 2022

DeZURIK 3-Way & 4-Way Tapered Plug Valves Provide Long Service Life

3 & 4-Way Valves provide throttling, diversion and isolation of liquids, slurries or gases. DeZURIK’s product dependability and quality set the standard for plug valves.
May 3, 2022

DeZURIK Eccentric Plug Valves – Setting the Standard for Reliability & Performance since 1928

The Eccentric Plug Valve was invented by Matt DeZURIK in 1928. Since then, DeZURIK Eccentric Plug Valves have demonstrated long-term reliability in thousands of installations ...
Nov. 30, 2021

APCO ASU Combination Air Valves Solve Problems Caused by Pipeline Grease

When fluids containing fats, oil, grease and grit get inside air valves, the grease can coagulate and render some air valves inoperable in just weeks or months. DeZURIK’s APCO...
Nov. 16, 2021

Valve Solutions for Surge Prevention, Protection, & Energy Savings in Pumping Systems

This webinar discusses surge and slam in pumping systems and how proper valve selection can make systems work better and last longer.
Nov. 1, 2021

Willamette Metal Seated Cone Valves – the Ultimate Pump Control Valve

Willamette Metal Seated Cone Valves are the ultimate pump control valve. They’re ideally suited for applications requiring long service life and low pumping costs.
June 3, 2021

DeZURIK’s Introduction to the Eccentric Plug Valve

See why DeZURIK’s Eccentric Plug Valves have set the standard for product dependability, long service life and unmatched quality for over 90 years.
May 19, 2021

DeZURIK Valves in Pump Station Applications

Watch DeZURIK’s broad range of practical and cost-effective swing check, pump control, surge relief, air and isolation valves operate in a pump station.
May 19, 2021

DeZURIK APCO ASU Combination Air Valve

See the features that give APCO ASU single body combination air valves improved performance, reduced maintenance and increased reliability.
May 19, 2021

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All content from DeZURIK


DeZURIK Valves for Compliance with the American Iron and Steel (AIS) Act

DeZURIK, your trusted source for quality valves, is committed to delivering products that comply with all AIS provisions. DeZURIK, APCO, Hilton and Willamette brand valves can...
May 19, 2021

DeZURIK PTW 3-Way Plug Valves Solve Digester Gas Corrosion Problems

Finding valves that stand up to the caustic gases and chemicals generated by the digestion process can be a challenge. DeZURIK has developed extensive expertise in material selection...
May 19, 2021