ASDWA has released the State Implementation Framework for Lead Service Inventories.
According to ASDWA, the agency worked with the Lead Service Line Inventory Workgroup to develop the State Implementation Framework for Lead Inventory Requirements under EPA’s Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) and the Template for CWS and NTNC Systems. The Framework will be part of the collective effort to implement the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.
The goal of the Framework and Template is to provide the data needed to start the development of lead service line inventories while EPA works on developing inventory guidance.
The inventory is used in several parts of the rule, including: creating specific requirements on lead service line replacement; conducting customer and property owner notification; and selecting compliance tap sampling sites.
The Framework will inform EPA’s Inventory Guidance, so primacy agencies, water systems, and consultants are working off the same information when starting inventories. The inventory Template is intended to be used by states and water systems as a starting point for inventory development and data collection.
The Template is only a model and will be revised or modified by various agencies to fit their own needs. The Framework and Template are part of ASDWA’s Lead Service Line Inventory Symposium sessions.
ASDWA coordinated with EPA on the development of the Framework and Template. According to ASDWA, ASDWA and the EPA are planning to release its Inventory Guidance and its Template in a couple of months.
The federal funding for lead service line replacement is through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL).
There is an October 2024 deadline to submit an initial inventory.
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