ITW Futura Coatings

St. Louis, US 63132

More Info on ITW Futura Coatings

ITW Futura Coatings manufactures an advanced line of room-temperature-curing protective coatings and lining systems available in sprayable, trowelable, and brushable formulations. These provide protection against a variety of acids, bases, salts, and chemicals as well as erosion, high temperatures, impact, and abrasion. They are most frequently used in the wastewater treatment,water treatment, mining, coal preparation, electric utility, petrochemical, pulp and paper, and marine industries. The company's experienced staff engineers understand the demands for each zone within a large structure or piece of equipment, as well as understanding the needs of the overall application.

Articles & News

Cracking/delamination in thickener/clarifier tank

The maintenance crew at Pennsylvania Power Company’s Bruce Mansfield Plant in Shippingport, Penn., had a chronic problem with cracking and delamination in the power plant’s thickener...
July 15, 2002

Leaking, corroded pump

When one of four circulating water pumps at the Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) Chalk Point Generating Station began to leak, engineers began to worry. The power plant ...
July 15, 2002

Wear, corrosion, pitting

Brackish water at the Brandon Shores Power Plant on the Patapsco River in Maryland (owned and operated by Constellation Power Source) was eroding the cast-iron casings of the...
July 3, 2002