Novozymes Biologicals, Inc.

Salem, US 24153

More Info on Novozymes Biologicals, Inc.

Novozymes Biologicals has developed a series of products designed specifically to improve the efficiency of industrial and municipal wastewaters. BI-CHEM products are used in a wide variety of industries including: pulp & paper, food and chemical processing, refineries, textile plants and steel mills. Municipal systems use BI-CHEM products for collection system maintenance, degradation of grease skimmings, nitrification, landfill odor control and to counteract the effects of industrial loadings in the municipal treatment system. Our new, patent-pending fatty acid degrader, BioS 3112, represents a unique biological treatment for FOG. This novel, spore-forming bacterium degrades the recalcitra

Articles & News

Grease Buildup in Low-flow Lift Stations

BI-CHEM® DC 2000GL with BioS? 3112 Grease Reduction Evaluation In Low-flow Lift Stations Buildup of fats, oils and greases (FOG) in lift stations has negative impacts on wastewater...
Aug. 2, 2002

COD Excess in Wastewater

Bioaugmentation at Citrus Processing Plant Improves COD Reduction and System Stability While Reducing Upsets Background A Florida citrus processor operates a 2 mgd (7571 m3/d)...
Aug. 2, 2002

Nitrification - Seasonal Startups

A 3 MGD (11,300 m3d) New England wastewater plant needs to nitrify each year from May 1 to October 1 in order to meet seasonal permit limits. Historically, plant operators tried...
Aug. 2, 2002