Solvay Chemicals, Inc.

Houston, US 77098
(713) 525-6500
(713) 525-7806

More Info on Solvay Chemicals, Inc.

SOLVAY CHEMICALS,INC. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Solvay Chemicals, Inc., offers a broad range of products to the water and wastewater treatment market. INTEROX(R) Hydrogen Peroxide, soda ash, Proxitane (R) Peracetic Acid, and IXPER(R) Calcium and Magnesium Peroxides are all used to treat water and wastewater, keeping it clean and fresh. Sodium sulfite is used in dechlorination. Solvay Fluorides, LLC, the wholly owned subsidary of Solvay Chemicals, offers sodium fluoride as fluoridating agent for drinking water. Solvay Chemicals, Inc. is a member of the Solvay Group, an international chemical and pharmaceutical group headquartered in Brussels, Belgium. --30--