
San Diego, US 92121

More Info on SonTek/YSI

The SonTek/YSI product line includes acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADP, ADCP, PCADP), velocimeters (ADV, MicroADV, ADVOcean), 3D current meters (Argonaut, FlowTracker, Triton), and Doppler velocity logs (DVL). These sensors and integrated systems are made for measuring water velocity and flow in oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, canals, harbors, estuaries, and laboratories.

Articles & News


Accurate, Continuous Flow Measurement Ensures Efficient Use of Irrigation Water

Lee Pimble and Chris Wardundefined It is estimated that Spain has approximately 40,000 Hm3/year of available water. This amount is usually sufficient, however, serious water shortages...
Aug. 10, 2005

Operating at its Peak

In February of 2003, a SonTek/YSI Argonaut-SW (Shallow Water) was installed at a site on the lower Colorado River near Needles, Ariz. by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. This...
Feb. 17, 2005