Pure Technologies US, Inc.

Columbia, US 21045

More Info on Pure Technologies US, Inc.

Pure Technologies is a world leader in the delivery of non-destructive, continuous condition assessment and monitoring, dynamic risk and asset management for owners of water and wastewater pipelines. Pure provides a suite of proprietary technologies for leak detection, non-destructive condition assessment, asset risk management and advanced data analysis. Pure's innovative infrastructure management technologies include: -SmartBall® free-swimming leak detection -Sahara® tethered leak detection -Electromagnetic inspection utilizing RFTC technology (manned and in-line operational platforms for PCCP) -PureRobotics™ multi-sensor inspection unit with CCTV, electromagnetic inspection technologies, Sonar, GIS -High-resolution magnetic flux leakage (MFL) technology for metallic pipelines -PipeDiver™ condition assessment of operational main -SoundPrint® AFO acoustic monitoring -Risk management -Engineering Services