
Mission Communications

July 26, 2016
2 min read
Simply the easiest, from basic alarming to full SCADA systems, MISSION COMMUNICATIONS is the leader in alarming, monitoring, and controlling water and wastewater systems. We provide better reliability and virtually the same features as traditional custom systems… at far less cost to you. MISSION has a pre-packaged, turn-key system for every application, from an in-sewer CSO/SSO alarm to full featured real time monitoring and alarm systems complete with all wireless connections, report and graph software, and custom websites. Mission’s premium systems connect continuously through all major cellular carriers using the data side of the cellular network. This means that your operators can monitor and control lift stations, CSO/SSO sites, streams, ponds, rivers, flow meters, alarms, starts and runtimes, amp draw, level, flow, duty cycles and virtually any other input required in real-time, as those changes occur, and that the data is reliably transmitted, even from areas where your voice cellular isn’t reliable. Our system tracks hourly pump run times and starts, analyzes them, and calls you before there’s a serious problem. Alarms can be delivered via voice phone calls, pagers, email, fax, OPC or any combination that you choose. You can change or modify your alarm settings or access a full suite of custom reports quickly and easily through your secure website, which MISSION provides to every customer at no extra charge, or through your cell phone when you are in the field and it’s not convenient to find a computer terminal.