Hobas Introduces Addition to Product Line
Hobas introduced the Fiberglass Reinforced Watertight Structural manhole system, which consists of Hobas pipe, t-base and now a cone to provide a complete corrosion resistant leak free system.
According to the press release, the product line offers a complete system which includes a fiberglass cone made from the same materials as the corrosion resistant, leak free pipe.
Since it is manufactured with the same corrosion resistant materials, a long maintenance free life can be expected just like the 100-year design of the Hobas pipe.
The manholes are manufactured to exceed AASHTO H-20/HS-20 loading design standards and are stiffer than the current minimum requirements of the ASTM manhole standards.
The hydraulic efficiency means that the flow will remain uninterrupted through the Tee Base structures, minimizing odor emissions as well as the release of hydrogen sulfide gases. The Hobas manholes offer ease of installation as they are much lighter weight than transitional systems and the couplings produce leak-free service.