Editorial Letter: A New Chapter
Bob Crossen is Senior Managing Editor for WWD. Crossen can be reached at [email protected]
By now, you have likely seen the news online: Water & Wastes Digest along with Storm Water Solutions, Water Quality Products and other infrastructure brands from Scranton Gillette Communications (SGC) were acquired by Endeavor Business Media (EBM) in mid-April.
While this may mean some changes for us down the line, it has not changed our commitment to continue providing the content platforms and quality you’ve come to know and expect from us. In fact, with this acquisition, WWD will have access to more resources than ever before. This means we have more opportunity to expand our coverage, enhance our quality and improve our connections with you and the industry at large. We’ve done many great things with SGC and I’m eager to step that up with EBM.
While we’re on the topic of new chapters, I’d be remiss if I didn’t discuss the two major themes of this issue: WWD Young Pros and AWWA ACE22.
For the WWD Young Pros, we received more nominations than ever before; so much so that we are looking at expanding the number of Young Pros we can cover next year to highlight just how many excellent workers there are that are deserving of recognition.
And in terms of ACE22, it is clear without context that this year’s event is a new chapter, as well. For the first time in two years, the event will be hosted fully live and in person. While there are still digital components for those who cannot make it to the event, I think I can speak for many individuals that being able to shake hands and talk business in-person is a welcome change to normalcy.
For those of you attending ACE22, I encourage you to visit the WWD booth #10095 and to visit the WaterWorld booth #2080 at the show! Our team will be running all over the show floor for the latest product news and project stories, so please flag us down to say hello. I’d love to hear from you and learn what you found most interesting at the event.