De Nora Unveils Standardized Solutions for PFAS Treatment
Providing simplified solutions for complex problems, De Nora unveils standard designed systems to target per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in water treatment. The preconfigured SORB systems employ proven methods of contaminant removal to reduce PFAS in water sources to a non-detectable level, including ion exchange (IX) and granular activated carbon (GAC). The company is also set to pilot testing for its regenerable, multi-use IX in the coming months, which can be paired with electrochemical advanced oxidation processes (EAOP) to significantly prolong resin use and reduce the need for media disposal– a breakthrough in traditional treatment methods.
“Drinking water is believed to be the primary source of human PFAS exposure, with some data estimating upwards of 100 million Americans impacted,” said Nick Armstrong, De Nora Water Technologies global product manager. “Access to clean and safe drinking water is a basic human right, and we want to ensure that our partners can effectively and efficiently provide a solution that meets that. The SORB product line has been a trusted name for 20 years and is known for making things easy, start to finish. We look forward to supporting providers on this new journey, easing any uncertainty associated with upcoming PFAS regulations, and identifying the most effective solutions for their community.”
The updated product line for PFAS treatment includes the SORB FX (IX resin) and SORB CX (GAC). Systems are pre-engineered and optimized on a local level, depending on variables such as flow, seasonality and targeted contaminants. In house engineers also have the unique ability to take budgetary concerns into consideration during the design phase, providing solutions that cater to operating or capital expense goals or availability. EAOP and ClorTec onsite sodium hypochlorite generation (OSHG) are forthcoming as an add on for final disinfection of resin media, available as a recurring aftermarket service or permanent installation.
Armstrong adds, “Though GAC and ion exchange are highly efficient, they are also criticized due to the environmental impact associated with disposal, which is typically incineration. Our regeneration package will set the standard for the future of water treatment, allowing utilities to promise safety in water and the environment, simultaneously.”
SORB contaminant removal systems are proven up to 99.99 percent effective, with modernized features designed to streamline processes from installation to operation. Each vessel is designed with efficiency, including advancements such as the SORB OTTO Drain for easy maintenance and access, as well as an unmatched symmetrical design for flexible installation. Each unit is configured with unique features that allow for all maintenance to be executed externally from the tank, reducing the need for permits, added personnel, or the removal of the media. IX resin requires minimal contact time and is formulated specifically for combating both short- and long-chain PFAS compounds.