Khrone 62fc061a337c0


More Info on KHRONE USA

Khrone 62fc061a337c0

KROHNE offers a complete measurement instrumentation product portfolio including system solutions and services for projects of any size. Its manufacturing and distribution facility in Beverly, Massachusetts, stocks the most popular devices and spare parts for quick delivery from an extensive inventory. The company also also locally produces and calibrates Coriolis mass flowmeters, both straight and bent tube, to 6 inches in diameter. Every product from the KROHNE’s portfolio, no matter where it is produced, is quality certified to the most stringent standards before shipping to customers. The Technical Application Support Center (TASC) is the heart of KROHNE's support capability and this team of trained engineers and technicians is available by phone or email every day, at any time for product application, installation, operation or troubleshooting questions. The sales channel network covers all of North America and is at the customer's disposal for any measurement needs.

KHRONE USA  l  l  800.356.9464

Products & Press Releases

Khrone 1

OPTISONIC 6300P Portable Clamp-on Ultrasonic Flowmeter

The OPTISONIC 6300P battery powered portable clamp on flow meter has been updated with a new rail system for ½- to 160-inch pipe sizes that includes an optional magnetic sensor...
Sept. 30, 2022

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