Phone: 7144284614

Less Material at the Landfill

Washer-compactor cleans up sloppy, smelly screenings
July 2, 2015

Compactor Cleans Up in Seattle

Screenings washer removes fecal matter, reduces costs
June 26, 2015

Secret Station

Underground location keeps pump station buried under a new park
June 26, 2015

Fine-Screen Savers

Screenings washers make fine-screening possible at Ontario treatment plants
March 28, 2011

Compactor Cleans Up in Seattle

About the author: Alec Mackie is marketing manager for JWC Environmental. Mackie can be reached at 714.428.4614 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Related search terms from www.waterinfoli...
Sept. 2, 2009

What is Coming Down the Pipe?

About the author: Alec Mackie is an advertising specialist with JWC Environmental. He can be reached at 714/428-4614 or by e-mail at [email protected] any given day at the village...
Sept. 17, 2004