
WQA Annual Convention & Exhibition Features Bioterrorism & Arsenic Seminars

Dec. 17, 2001

The 28th Annual Convention and Exhibition of the Water Quality Association will feature a seminar covering the possibility of terrorist attacks using waterborne biological and chemical agents. The potential of current and newly introduced technologies to protect against these contaminants in homes and small systems will also be reviewed.

Headlining the bioterrorism session will be W. Dickinson Burrows, an expert with the U.S. Army. Session presenters will enumerate possible attack agents and review known techniques that may eliminate or reduce some contaminants.

There also will be multiple sessions covering the EPA's recently adopted 80 percent reduction in acceptable arsenic levels in water supplies. Small water system operators, device manufacturers, and dealers inundated by consumer requests for information on reducing arsenic levels quickly and cost-effectively, will gain the latest data and technologies.

The convention will offer more than 70 hours of educational seminars and will be held at the Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, La., March 5—9, 2002.

In addition to the seminar-based educational opportunities, the exhibition will feature more than 250 exhibitors, March 7—9, offering the latest technical advances in water treatment devices and procedures–from bottled water sales to radon removal to MTBE elimination.

Source: Water Quality Association

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