
Biosolids Experts Set for March WEF Meeting in Austin, Texas

Jan. 9, 2002
2 min read

The City of Austin, Texas will host the Water Environment Federation's (WEF)16th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference March 3 – 6. Focusing on "Privatization, Innovation, and Optimization: How to Do More for Less," the conference will feature 19 technical sessions, three preconference workshops, six facility tours, and an exposition of products and services.

"I guarantee attendees will not be disappointed in any part of this conference," said conference chair Ron Sieger, principal technologist, CH2M Hill (Dallas, Texas). The event will be held in cooperation with the Water Environment Association of Texas.

Traditionally attracting more than 500 attendees, the annual event will cover an array of topics including land reclamation, public support, land application, composting, anaerobic digestion, stabilization issues, storage and handling, and emerging technologies.

Three preconference workshops will get things started the morning of March 3. "Pathogens" will provide insight into pathogen removal and systems design. "Designing Real Automation Systems" will provide effective training in designing automation systems that work routinely and reliably using effective, proven techniques. The third workshop, "Dewatering and Digestion Basics," will provide a foundation on the topic and details needed to sort the vast differences in dewatering equipment and digestion processes.

The Opening General Session on March 4 will feature Cecil Lue-Hing (Lue-Hing Associates) on lessons learned from his "Thirty Years in Biosolids" with the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Mike Cook, director of EPA's Office of Wastewater Management will give a keynote address.

According to Sieger, other session highlights will include "Hot Topics," covering dioxin, health effects, odors, and emerging pathogens; "Land Reclamation," dealing with biosolids reclamation projects from Indiana to Mexico; and "Biosolids - The Next Generation," which will update attendees on National Biosolids Partnership activities and other environmental management system projects around the nation.

Founded in 1928, the Water Environment Federation (WEF) is a not-for-profit technical and educational organization with members from varied disciplines who work toward the WEF vision of preservation and enhancement of the global water environment. The WEF network includes more than 100,000 water quality professionals from 77 Member Associations in 31 countries.

For registration and detailed program information, visit WEF online; call 800-666-0206; or email [email protected].

Source: WEF

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