
TalkingRain Beverage Company Launches Vitamin Enriched VitaRain Line Across the Northwest

April 2, 2002
3 min read

A new line of enhanced vitamin waters has been launched to meet consumer demand for added nutrients without preservatives or sugar.

TalkingRain Beverage Company debuts a new line of enhanced vitamin waters with juice called VitaRain to regional grocery chains and convenience and club stores throughout the Northwest this week, President Doug MacLean announced today.

Albertson's, Larry's Markets, Top Food and Drug, Bartell Drug Stores, WINCO, Tidyman's Foods, and Fred Meyer Stores are among the many retailers participating in the launch timed to take advantage of the peak summer sales window. MacLean said that national distribution is the ultimate goal for VitaRain, and the addition of new distributors will help the company achieve that goal.

MacLean estimates that the new naturally low calorie, no sugar added VitaRain product line will help TalkingRain Beverage Company capture 5% of the functional beverage market -- a market that is estimated to grow to $175,000,000 in 2002 according to Beverage Market Institute N.U. 2002. TalkingRain Beverage Company is the Pacific Northwest's number one manufacturer of water and natural beverages.

Mike Fox, vice president of sales for TalkingRain Beverage Company, suggests that the new line of VitaRain has the potential to increase sales for the company by at least 1/3 and perhaps more in the initial rollout year.

"In the last 30 days, we have gotten authorizations from 12 grocery chains in over 700 stores across eight states, including Alaska, Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, and Washington," Fox said, adding, "We are investing time to educate retailers and consumers about this new beverage category of enhanced, naturally flavored waters, and it is paying off."

Vice president of marketing Nina Morrison said that retailers and consumers are receptive to the bright, colorful packaging. "It's an inviting presentation that tells them immediately what the product can do for them," she said.

VitaRain is a non-carbonated blend of purified water and natural fruit juice with vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. TalkingRain's product development team worked closely with Roche Vitamins in the research and development process for VitaRain to determine the appropriate level of nutrients for each flavor blend to deliver the greatest health benefit. Each flavor is intended to enhance important functions such as vision, focus, and energy. According to FDA guidelines, each serving of VitaRain offers an excellent source of recommended vitamins and minerals.

Each of the six flavors of VitaRain offers a convenient, nutrient-packed solution for the active consumer looking for flavorful, refreshing, and healthy beverages.

The flavor choices include Cranberry Blueberry -- VitaVISION, Kiwi Strawberry -- VitaLOOKS, Orange Tangerine -- VitaENERGY, Key Lime -- VitaACTION, Melon Berry -- VitaFOCUS, Passion Peach -- VitaHEART.

Source: Business Wire

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