
Envirotrol Forms GAC Reactivation Partnership with American Carbon Services

July 9, 2002
2 min read

Envirotrol has received a contract from American Water Resources, d.b.a. American Carbon Services, for reactivation of granular activated carbon from municipal customers throughout North America. American Water Resources is a subsidiary of American Water Works Co. an investor-owned water company with more than 5,000 associates providing service to over 10 million people in 1,300 communities throughout the U.S. and Canada. Envirotrol completed an upgrade to its Darlington PA facility that created a totally dedicated food-grade production line. Envirotrol's reactivation capabilities are atypical of the carbon industry as they are all "custom production lines," meaning that no carbon from one customer can commingle or mix with another spent carbon. This gives Envirotrol's customer base that includes a myriad of both food and pharmaceutical grade carbon customers the peace of mind to know that their reactivated carbon is as pure, if not more pure than the original virgin carbon.

Commenting on the contract, Bill Zinsser, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Envirotrol noted; "This achievement is consistent with Envirotrol's continued progress as the leader in customer reactivation of spent carbon. Our founder's vision over 30 years ago was to create value for our customers by recycling and reactivating high quality granular activated carbon. Partnering with a high quality company like American Carbon Services is a key advantage and will ultimately make this venture very successful."

Source: Envirotrol, Inc.

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