Insituform Technologies, Inc. Named Subcontractor for $50 Million Detroit Contract
Source Insituform Technologies, Inc.
The city of Detroit, Mich., and the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) has awarded a $50 million, three-year term contract for sewer inspection and rehabilitation to Inland Waters Pollution Control, Inc., with Insituform Technologies, Inc., as its primary subcontractor.
The DWSD, which is owned by the city of Detroit, requested bid proposals for in-place inspection and rehabilitation of sewers up to 15 inches in diameter as well as sewers larger than 18 inches in diameter. The bids that were submitted by Inland and Insituform received the highest technical review and were also the lowest bid in price.
The contract was officially awarded by the Detroit City Council on June 26, 2002, with a project start date of July 19. The project is estimated to be completed by July 2005.
Inland will provide the cleaning, video inspection and various pipe services such as grouting, internal joint seals and application of coating materials. Insituform will provide the pipe rehabilitation/reconstruction services. Insituform's portion of the contract could reach $30 to $40 million over three years.
While the scope of work will be determined as the project moves forward, the contract is expected to require a strong focus on the cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) method of pipeline rehabilitation.
Insituform expects the contract also to encompass several other rehabilitation methods including sliplining, pipebursting, glass-reinforced panel repairs for large diameter pipes, and pressure pipe lining. Insituform has performed all of these services, among others, in its 27-year professional relationship with the DWSD. The DWSD is the third largest water and sewer utility in the U.S. and provides wastewater service to approximately three million residents and water service to approximately four million.
Insituform Technologies, Inc., is a leading worldwide provider of proprietary technologies and services for rehabilitating sewer, water and other underground piping systems without digging and disruption.
Source: Insituform Technologies, Inc.