
Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County Receives Award for Water Recycling

Sept. 30, 2002

On Thursday, September 26, the American Society of Civil Engineers through their District 13 will present to the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant and the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County a bronze plaque recognizing the facility as a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. The event will take place at the facility located at 301 N. Rosemead Blvd. (about 1/2 mile south of the Pomona Freeway - 60 Freeway, on the right-hand side (West) of the street.)

The treatment plant was built in 1962 and began water reclamation and recycling in August of that year. Since that day, the plant has been the prototype and test bed for research and operations activities on how best to reclaim and recycle water. The ASCE Historic Civil Engineering Landmark designation is given to the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant as the "first plant constructed in the United States to treat municipal wastewater for beneficial reuse including recharging underground aquifers." (Wording from the bronze plaque at the dedication.)

Reclaiming water for groundwater recharge is a very important part of the water economy for arid and dry Southern California.

Source: Businesswire

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