
NSF Issues Final Implementation Guidance for Arsenic Rule

Sept. 25, 2002

The final Implementation Guidance for the Arsenic Rule (EPA-816-K-02-018) has been issued and posted at the EPA's Web site. It incorporates comments received on the previous draft implementation guidances, and from the training sessions on the arsenic rule held throughout the country.

The guidance summarizes key sections of the proposed rule and provides a how-to approach for EPA Regions and States to implement the regulation.

It contains an explanation of the rule's requirements and guidance for preparing State primacy revision applications. The document incorporates comments received from Regions, States, technical assistance providers, water systems, and others.

On January 22, 2001, EPA adopted a new standard for arsenic in drinking water at 10 ppb, replacing the old standard of 50 ppb. The rule became effective on February 22, 2002. The date by which systems must comply with the new 10 ppb standard is January 23, 2006.

To access the final implementation guidance, as well as information on treatment technologies and funding, go to www.epa.gov/ogwdw000/ars/implement.html.

Source: NSF

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