Montgomery Water Works Sanitary and Sewer Board Optimizing Assets Using Synergen

July 24, 2003

Synergen, Inc., a provider of Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) and Computerized Maintenance Management (CMMS) solutions, announced that Montgomery Water Works Sanitary and Sewer Board (MWWSSB) has gone live with the Synergen Series.

MWWSSB oversees water production and water pollution control for a population of nearly 250,000 people over a 150 square mile service area in Montgomery, Ala. These operations are asset intensive -- their water treatment and distribution facilities include three water treatment plants, seven elevated storage tanks, 50 wells, 8,500 hydrants, 22,000 flow control valves, and 1,000 miles of water main lines. The sewer treatment and collection facilities include four wastewater treatment plants, 50 lift stations, 23,000 manholes, 1,000 miles of sewer main and a 2,000 acre biosolids land application facility. They required an EAM solution that would support the distinct maintenance needs of both linear and plant-based assets, streamline cost reporting and work management processes, and help move the organization to a proactive maintenance model to ultimately reduce O&M costs.

"Synergen rapidly emerged as the front-runner during the competitive selection process. Not only was their product functionality far superior, but their understanding of the unique asset management requirements within municipal utilities is unparalleled in the industry," said Thomas R. "Buddy" Morgan, general manager at MWWSSB.

"The Synergen Series has been architected to deliver the greatest degree of flexibility possible and access to real-time information by all levels within an organization -- from board members to city managers to field personnel," said Richard MacDonald, president and CEO of Synergen. "This continues to be confirmed by progressive organizations like MWWSSB recognizing the Synergen Series as the most fully-integrated and comprehensive yet highly-configurable and easy-to-use EAM/CMMS solution."

Synergen's Web-architected CMMS/EAM software suite, the Synergen Series, addresses all aspects of MRO including: collaborative work management, asset reliability and maintenance; inventory control, purchasing, and contract management; operational accounting; reporting and analysis; project tracking; safety and regulatory compliance; and document control. Supported by the latest in Internet technology, users need only a standard Web browser to rapidly install, deploy and access Synergen solutions across the enterprise.

Source: Synergen

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