
Water Pressure Woes Being Addressed in Henry County, Ga.

April 21, 2004
2 min read

Henry County (Ga.) Water & Sewerage Authority (HCWSA) customers living in the Highland Village subdivision or along the Miller’s Mill corridor in northeast Henry County will be receiving a boost that will improve drinking water distribution in the area.

In order to reduce the amount of service interruptions and provide adequate fire flow protection in this area of the county, the HCWSA is beginning water line replacement work to place a number of customers on the authority’s higher-pressure system. In addition, HCWSA contractors will replace all main-line piping within the Highland Village subdivision, as well as continue installing a 16-in. water main down Miller’s Mill Road to tie in additional customers in this region.

The Highland Village area has been on a reduced-pressure system in order to decrease the stress on aging pipelines. The down side of such an arrangement is that some customers have experienced low service line pressure during peak demand periods. In addition, main line pressures have been only marginal for fire protection on similar occasions. In fact, in recent months the authority has tracked a number of water line breaks and customer service calls from this concentrated area.

As a result, the HCWSA Board of Directors approved the dollars necessary to address these water line concerns, which were costing time and money for the authority and headaches for some customers, according to Lindy Farmer, general manager of the HCWSA. In all, the utility is investing $2.5 million in this capital improvement project.

Source: HCWSA

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