
UVSolutions Announces New Solution for Portable Instant Water Purification

March 15, 2005
2 min read

Ultraviolet disinfection technology developed for hospital-use is now available for incorporation in portable water bottles with UVSolutions LLC's proprietary technology.

The new technology allows peoples to purify water from streams, lakes and questionable sources instantly without the use of chemicals or bulky pumps. The design for the lightweight, easy to pack container can purify a liter of water in seconds which makes it appropriate not only for travelers, but also military personnel in the field. The easy to fill large mouth container can be dipped into a lake or stream. The filter and battery life are sufficient for approximately 20 liters of water and the cost is pennies per liter.

"UVSolutions' proprietary flash-based germicidal ultraviolet (UV) water purification system is effective in killing bacteria such as salmonella and E. coli, viruses, mold and fungi, as well as removing giardia and cryptosporidium. The filter improves taste and clarity. No chemicals are needed," reports Geoff Jenkins, president of UVSolutions.

UVSolutions has focused on the development of low-cost, portable, battery operated disinfection products for market leaders that are fast and easy to use.

UVSolutions LLC is a privately held product development company in Wellesley, Mass. The Company licenses its proprietary technology and product designs to market leaders. Other products under development include personal care products such as a toothbrush sanitizer, pacifier sanitizer, and other, as well as a number of products for the medical community including a stethoscope disinfector and catheter site disinfection system.

Source: UVSolutions LLC

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