The EPA and the Wind River Reservation are part of a joint effort to pilot the Environmental Sampling, Analysis and Results (ESAR) project.
The ESAR pilot project will be delivering water quality monitoring data directly over the internet using secure protocols and standards developed by the EPA Office of Environmental Information.
"Water monitoring data are important, and sharing it with EPA can only help tribes," said Don Aragon, director of the Wind River Environmental Quality Commission.
The water monitoring data provided by Wind River were collected by the Tribal Wind River Environmental Quality Commission, using funds supplied by EPA through a Clean Water Act Section 106 Water Quality Management Grants.
The other participants in the ESAR pilot are the states of Michigan, Texas, and Oregon.
This data exchange activity is part of the EPA American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) Tribal Program Enterprise Architecture (TPEA). Data flows are planned for December 2005.
Source: EPA