
New Ozone SuperStore is Open for Business

Aug. 17, 2005
2 min read

Pacific Ozone Technology, a leading supplier of OEM air-cooled, corona discharge ozone generators and integrated ozone/oxygen systems and process controls announced that the long awaited Ozone SuperStore is open for business.

Selecting the proper components is critical to the long lasting performance of your ozone system. Pacific Ozone’s engineers continually search the world for the best ozone resistant fittings and accessories for the wide variety of ozone systems they manufacture - and now they are making this huge selection of ozone specialty components and accessories available to the market.

Dustin Sudweeks (Technical Support), who has been with Pacific Ozone Technology for many years and helps ozone users worldwide directly, says "With our new Ozone SuperStore, we can offer the most reliable and complete line of components, fittings, and specialty products needed to design, outfit and maintain anyone’s ozone contact or delivery system. Customers really appreciate having access to the hundreds of ozone specific parts and accessories as well as our technical expertise to support it."

Pacific Ozone Technology is recognized as the standard reference for quality ozone air-cooled generators and integrated contact systems. They have developed clean, effective ozone solutions for their customers since 1987, and their knowledge of systems, applications, and ozone technology is unsurpassed. Pacific Ozone Technology hardware is powered by a highly efficient Ti-ceramic and titanium reactor cells that features patented Floating Plate Technology (FPT).

FPT offers tremendous performance benefits to any ozone application. Air cooled ozone generators offer distinct advantages as well; ease of installation, reliability, durability and simple system integration. The complete line of ozone generators, integrated feed gas and ozone contacting systems, monitors, controls, and now more ozone specialty parts and accessory items than ever, will ensure that your ozone system will deliver the precise ozone treatment it was designed for.

Source: Pacific Ozone Technology, Inc.

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