American Water Introduces Linesaver to Municipal Market
Source American Water
American Water’s Homeowner Services Group announced that over 400,000 customers have enrolled in their Water Line and Sewer Line Protection Programs. In response to this huge success, American Water has developed a new program exclusively for municipalities. The new program called LineSaver is designed to protect homeowners from unexpected service line repairs while generating revenue for the community with no additional investment and minimal labor requirements.
In most areas of the country, homeowners are unaware that they are personally responsible for the cost of maintaining and repairing water and sewer lines running from the street to their homes. LineSaver is a credible solution for service line repairs that are not the responsibility of the municipality’s water department, nor covered by homeowners’ insurance. This extra level of protection gives homeowners, as well as municipalities, peace of mind whenever a water emergency might occur.
The experts at American Water’s Homeowner Services Group fully manage LineSaver and will take care of all requirements for developing and implementing the program, from establishing a local contractor network to educating the community about service line ownership and responsibility.
LineSaver can positively raise the image of the water company by reducing customer complaints, decrease environmental stress associated with lost water, generate revenue from a new source and stimulate the economy by using local plumbers to complete repairs.
The voluntary LineSaver program can be customized to meet the needs of each individual community. Payment terms are affordable and convenient, and homeowners can enroll via their water bill, check or credit card.
“We are pleased to see such a positive response to our Water and Sewer Line Protection Programs. It gives me personal satisfaction that our customers have the ability to protect themselves in emergency situations,” said Sharon Cameron, vice president of American Water’s Homeowner Services Group. “And by offering a completely customized program to municipalities, entire communities can benefit from additional revenue.”
Source: American Water