Siemens Announces Joint Market Development and Licensing Agreement with US Peroxide
Source Siemens Water Technologies
Siemens is expanding its full service odor control capabilities through a new license agreement with US Peroxide, LLC. This strategic joint market development agreement with US Filter Corp., a company of the Siemens Group Industrial Solutions and Services, will allow Siemens to incorporate US Peroxide's patented PRI-SCtechnology into its Davis Process full service odor control program.
PRI-SC (Peroxide Regenerated Iron-Sulfide Control) is a combination treatment that integrates iron salts with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in a synergistic fashion. The combined treatment provides cost and performance benefits superior to either chemical alone, while allowing greater flexibility as to the placement of storage and dosing facilities.
US Filter sought out the unique PRI-SC process because it offers an efficient and cost competitive alternative to main system, trunk and sewer line odor and corrosion control. USFilter's full service odor control approach is based on matching the best odor control technology for a given application, depending on performance, economics, safety and process impact.
"We are excited to be able to offer this technology with the increasing demand for enhanced odor control. This provides many municipalities another advanced technology to improve their system's performance and stretch their odor control budgets," said USFilter's David Hunniford, vice president and general manager, Davis Process Products and Services.
Source: Siemens Water Technologies