Bottled Water Consumption Overtakes Milk, Coffee and Beer in the U.S. Market
Source Research and Markets
The bottled water industry has seen a tremendous increase in sales since the mid-1990's. According to the Beverage Marketing Corp., bottled water consumption in the U.S. has surpassed that of milk, coffee and beer. As the market matures, it will become increasingly important to continue product innovation and to increase brand awareness to combat falling prices due to price promotions.
Original consumer research by Research and Markets in “Bottled Water - in the United States” provides critical insights in formulating a successful marketing strategy. For example, more than half of respondents who drink bottled water prefer spring water to purified water and notice a difference in the taste. Almost half of respondents feel there is a significant difference between bottled water brands, while almost two-thirds of respondents are brand loyal.
Younger respondents, black respondents and respondents earning under $50K are more discriminating in their views on bottled water. They feel there is a difference between purified and spring water and have a preference for spring water. These groups are also the most brand loyal.
Research and Markets’ report surveys consumer attitudes and behavior in the bottled water market, while creating a detailed picture of the overall market. Drivers, market size, trends, segmentation and distribution are all explored in depth. A five-year market forecast helps anticipate the future of the bottled water market.
The report covers the U.S. market for bottled water as defined by the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA). The IBWA defines bottled water as water sealed in a sanitary container to be sold for human consumption. This includes flavored carbonated and non-carbonated waters. Seltzer, tonic and club soda are not covered by the scope of the report.
Source: Research and Markets