A new series of webcast training sessions for municipal storm water managers is now available. Designed for those unable to attend out-of-town or multi-day workshops, this series will cover a mix of of basic and advanced topics in two-hour blocks. These webcasts will allow participants to listen to lectures and see presentations through their computers. Webcasts will be scheduled approximately every other month from March until September.
The first webcast, Post Construction 101, with Nikos Singelis of the U.S. EPA NPDES Stormwater Program, will be held March 16, 2006. More than 5,000 municipal storm water permittees are required to develop a post-construction program to address storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment. The post-construction programs must include requirements to install BMPs and ensure maintenance of those BMPs. To implement an effective program, municipalities need to look beyond the individual site to assess how post-construction controls will affect the entire watershed.
This presentation will describe the post-construction program requirements and how innovative programs such as Low Impact Development and Smart Growth can be used to help meet these requirements. Those interested can sign up for webcasts at EPA’s website.
Source: EPA