
Pennichuck Brings Water to Two New Communities

April 7, 2006
2 min read

Riding momentum built over the last several years, Pennichuck East Utility Co. will provide water service to two newly-built small living communities, one in Bow and the other in Exeter, N.H.

Forest Ridge, a new 74-unit condominium community, will be the first hook-ups Pennichuck has in the town of Exeter. Currently, Pennichuck owns 58 water systems and operates an additional 90 systems throughout 25 communities in New Hampshire.

“We’re so pleased to provide water service to a portion of Exeter,” said Steve Densberger, president of Pennichuck Water Service Corp. “We’ve built tremendous momentum throughout the last several years. In 2005, we saw the addition of five new systems, including systems in New Hampshire and two in Massachusetts. It is clear that the value of having a professional water system operator like Pennichuck is increasingly more important.”

In Bow, Pennichuck will provide service to the newly constructed Stone Sled Farm, a 42-unit senior living community. Pennichuck has a long-standing presence in the town of Bow, providing water to a number of living communities throughout the town.

The developers of the small living communities have worked extensively with Pennichuck and know and trust the state's premier water provider, according to Densberger.

The New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission (PUC) must review such arrangements and approve Pennichuck's acquisition of the assets, the water rate and the service territory. The process ensures residents are receiving the best water service possible. The PUC approved the request in March, allowing Pennichuck to acquire the water systems and deliver service to the two communities.

Source: Pennichuck Water Service Corp.

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