Storm Water Rule Finalized to Comply with Energy Policy Act
The U.S. EPA has finalized revisions to storm water regulations to advance the comprehensive energy policy enacted by Congress last year. This action, implementing an amendment to the Clean Water Act passed in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, modifies water permitting program regulations to clarify that uncontaminated storm water discharged from oil and gas field activities does not require a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit.
This rule encourages voluntary application of best management practices for oil and gas field construction activities to minimize erosion and control sediment to protect surface water quality during storm events. It also retains the right of states to regulate these activities under other laws and authorities.
EPA will work with government, citizens and industry to promote the importance of storm water management at oil and gas sites as it implements its rulemaking activities. This rule is effective June 12, 2006.
Source: EPA