
City Employee Dies at Wastewater Plant

Sept. 12, 2006

A Martinsville, Va., city employee died while installing an electrical line at the Martinsville Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Mike Wilson, 45, had been an employee of the city for 19 years. Wilson and another employee were installing an overhead wire to a building at the treatment plant. He had been working close to three low-voltage lines in an elevated bucket when a coworker noticed something was wrong.

The co-worker, along with employees at the wastewater treatment plant, tried to revive Wilson.

Martinsville communications director Matt Hinkins told The Roanoke Times that the pole Wilson was working on had no bare wires, and the lines were in good condition.

The death is being investigated by the U.S. Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Henry County Sheriff’s Office and the Martinsville Police Department.

The city held a memorial service at the municipal building.

Source: The Roanoke Times

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