
EPA Honors Denver International Airport

Nov. 14, 2006

Denver International Airport was the first airport in the nation to win U.S. EPA recognition for environmental actions that consistently exceed regulatory requirements.

Steve Tuber, EPA assistant regional administrator, took note of DIA’s system for recycling aircraft fluids and the airport's use of alternative-fuel vehicles.

Janell Barrilleaux, the Denver airport’s top environmental official told The Denver Post that DIA used about 840,000 gallons of deicing fluid in the 2005-06 snow season and about 70 percent was collected for recycling or wastewater treatment.

In 2001, the airport was fined for releasing deicing fluid-contaminated water from a DIA detention pond in 2001. The contaminated water flowed into nearby Third Creek, which then leads to Barr Lake and downstream reservoirs.

The Denver Post reported that after the incident, DIA added three more detention ponds to hold storm-water runoff, including anti-ice fluids. DIA is the 10th facility in Colorado to win special EPA recognition for environmental excellence.

Others include Eastman Kodak Co.'s division in Windsor, an Intel Corp. facility in Colorado Springs, Aspen Skiing Co., Lockheed Martin Space Systems in Jefferson County and Majestic Metals Inc. in Denver.

Source: The Denver Post

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