Ohio Plant Wins Award from ACEC
The American Council of Engineering Companies of Ohio gave Floyd Brown Group and CT Consultants, Inc. an honor award for the design of the City of Delphos Wastewater Treatment in Delphos, Ohio.
Delphos has only 7,000 residents, but the city needed a wastewater treatment plant capable of serving a city 10 times its size. Food processing industries were overloading the plant and during heavy storms, the combined storm and sanitary sewer system would overflow and dump sewage into nearby streams.
The Delphos Herald Reports that last fall, the city took possession of what is the largest flat plate membrane wastewater treatment plant in the world, designed by the Floyd Brown Group and CT Consultants, Inc.
The plant also incorporates Autothermal Thermophilic Aerobic Digestion (ATAD), and in tandem the two technologies enable the facility to handle the high wastewater flows during wet weather and the high levels of organic matter produced by the food processing factories.
Source: The Delphos Herald