
Mexico Aims to Treat 100 % of Wastewater by 2012

Feb. 19, 2007

Conagua, Mexico’s national water commission, has announced a goal to treat 100 % of the country’s wastewater by 2012.

Jose Ramon Ardavin, deputy potable water, sewage and sanitation director, reported to Business News Americas that in order to reach this goal, the commission is looking into forming a structure to coordinate long-term efforts on the municipal, state and federal level.

Currently, the county only treats 36 % of the 220,000 liters of wastewater collected. In order to reach the goal of tripling the treatment rate, investments would need to come from private sectors, as there are not enough public funds available.

To reach full treatment by the 2012 deadline, the country would need to add 1,500 plants to the 1,600 currently in operation.

Ardavin also told Business News Americas that wastewater treatment is essential to secure long-term potable water supply for the country, which will soon be strained due to population growth. Treating and reusing wastewater in agricultural and industrial applications will cut down on freshwater extraction, leaving more available for the population.

Source: Business News Americas

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