
Ottawa to Spend $13 Million to Improve Water Supply

April 13, 2007

About $13 million in federal funding will be spent on improving water quality on four remote First Nations in Northern Ontario. First Nations refers to the aboriginal peoples located in what is now Canada, sometimes referred to as Native-Canadians or Aboriginal Peoples.

According to Timmins Daily Press, Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice announced that the funding will address water quality issues in Fort Albany, Attawapiskat, Moose Cree and Kee-way-win.

Approximately $2 million will be spent to upgrade the water treatment system in Fort Albany, while another $1.9 million will be spent to repair and upgrade water treatment plants in Attawapiskat and Moose Factory.

Most of the funding, about $8.9 million, will be used to build a new water treatment plant at the Kee-way-win First Nation. Construction on this project is expected to begin in January.

Source: Timmins Daily Press

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